Teething Tips From the Experts

A teething baby

Teething can be a challenging phase for both babies and parents. It is hard to know how to help, so we asked our in house experts! The DDG Hygiene team got together to answer a few of the questions we get frequently from patients with teething children.

When do babies start to get their teeth?

Hallie –  Every child is completely different and this number will vary greatly. Start to expect baby teeth erupting from 4-6 months. However, some babies don’t get their first tooth until after their first birthday.

Laura – This can vary quite a bit; 4-10 months on the average.  If your child does not get his/her teeth in this general time, do not panic! However, if after 10 months, I would consult a dentist

Kendra –  Generally by 6 months and will continue until all are in around 24 months.

What are the signs my baby is teething?

Hallie – Biting, more sucking behavior, saliva production and drooling, irritability, less sleep, and loss of appetite.

Laura – Drooling, chewing on fingers or toys, swollen appearance to gums in that area, irritable, and loose stools.

Kendra –  Placing objects and fingers into mouth, irritability, difficulty sleeping, diaper rash or even diarrhea, rash around mouth, and excessive drool.  Keep bibs on to help keep mouth, check and neck dry.

Do you have any suggestions on how to help with teething?

Hallie – Soft chew toys – helps relieve pressure of tooth cutting through gums, maybe even put toys in the fridge or freezer. Over the counter remedies like Tylenol, Ibuprofen or Motrin. Avoid any benzocaine products. Amber teething necklace is great. Mesh or silicone baby feeder – put cold fruit/food inside!

Laura- Cold wash cloth to chew on. I would wet the washcloths and freeze for short time where it is cold to the touch. Harder/safe chewing toys like teething rings, toy keys, or giraffe toy.

Kendra – Frozen yogurt sticks, frozen bananas, chew toys.

When is the teething phase over?

Hallie – Children should have a full set of primary teeth by the age of three years old.

Laura – Children can present signs even after teeth have erupted. Primary teeth do not all erupt until child’s approximately 2-3 years old.

Kendra – All teeth should be in around 24 months.

Let us know if you have other questions for our experts, or if you have any other tips for the rest of the DDG Family.

Downtown Dental Group

428 Houston St.
Manhattan, KS 66502

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8:30am – 4:30pm
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